I have some really funky code. As you can see from the code below I have a series of filters that I add to query. Now would it be easier to just have multiple queries, with it's own set of filters, then store the results in an array, or have this mess?
Does anyone have a better solution to this mess? I need to be able to filter by keyword and item number, and it needs to be able to filter using multiple values, not know which is which.
//Prepare filters and values
$values = array();
$filters = array();
foreach($item_list as $item){
$filters[] = "ItemNmbr = ?";
$filters[] = "ItemDesc LIKE ?";
$filters[] = "NoteText LIKE ?";
$values[] = $item;
$values[] = '%' . $item . '%';
$values[] = '%' . $item . '%';
//Prepare the query
$sql = sprintf(
"SELECT ItemNmbr, ItemDesc, NoteText, Iden, BaseUOM FROM ItemMaster WHERE %s LIMIT 21",
implode(" OR ", $filters)
//Set up the types
$types = str_repeat("s", count($filters));
array_unshift($values, $types);
//Execute it
$state = $mysqli->stmt_init();
$state->prepare($sql) or die ("Could not prepare statement:" . $mysqli->error);
call_user_func_array(array($state, "bind_param"), $values);
$state->bind_result($ItemNmbr, $ItemDesc, $NoteText, $Iden, $BaseUOM);
$state->execute() or die ("Could not execute statement");