I´m developing a software in C# that uses static functions from a C++ .dll file through a Wrapper.
The problem is that some of these functions are slow and unstable, so in order to solve this I created a Thread that executes them. However, when I abort that thread from the main thread, the program isn´t letting me use those functions again, even though I define a new instance of the thread every time I call a function.
Is there any way I can fix this?
Thanks in advance.
PS: Here is some code from my program:
public partial class MainForm : Form, IMultiLanguage
//This method is subscribed to the event of pressing the 'Abort' button
private void StopCurrentAnalisis()
catch (Exception e){ }
MessageBox.Show("Analisis has been cancelled by user", "Analisis Interrupted", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
public class AnalisisManager: IAnalisisManagerController
private Thread analisisThread;
public Thread AnalisisThread{get{return this.analisisThread;}}
public void MakePadrobAnalisis(TipoAnalisis tipoAnalisis,
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, double>> parametros)
object[] arregloParams = new object[]{tipoAnalisis,parametros};
analisisThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(MakeAnalisisInOtherThread));
private void MakeAnalisisInOtherThread(object o)
object[] arregloParams = o as object[];
TipoAnalisis tipoAnalisis = (TipoAnalisis) arregloParams[0];
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, double>> parametros = arregloParams[1] as Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, double>>;
//This launches an event telling the GUI the unstable analisis has started.
//The method that makes the 'Abort' button to appear on the GUI is subscribed to this event
//The Thread executes DLL functions according to tipoAnalisis, for example:
case InvKinematicsMinTorque: