




I have some HTML that I need to toggle between two structures - one nested, and one un-nested - to make it easier for users to sort page components in a cms.

Here's the before html...

<p><a href="#" id="restructure">Toggle Structure</a></p>
<div id="modules">
  <div class="two_column_box">
    <div class="column_left">
      <p>Some text</p>
    <div class="column_right">
      <p>Some text</p>
  <div class="two_column_box">
    <div class="column_left">
      <p>Some text</p>
    <div class="column_right">
      <p>Some text</p>

and after html...

<p><a href="#" id="restructure">Toggle Structure</a></p>
<div id="modules">
  <div class="column_left">
    <p>Some text</p>
  <div class="column_right">
    <p>Some text</p>
  <div class="column_left">
    <p>Some text</p>
  <div class="column_right">
    <p>Some text</p>

I can strip out the extra divs, no trouble, but putting them back afterwards - I just don't get how to build up html from plain text and existing DOM elements. Here's the code I have so far...

  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
      function() {
        alert('removing structure');
        var module_list = $("#modules > div > div");
      function() {
        alert('replacing structure');
        var idx = 1;
        var next;
        var structure = $("");
        while((next = $('#modules > div:nth-child(' + idx++ + ')')).length) {
          var element = next.clone();
          if(idx%2==1) {
            $(structure).append('<div class="two_column_box">').append(element);
          } else {

Any help in getting the second function of the toggle to work (or in a more idiomatic version of the working code) would be much appreciated...

+3  A: 

Give this a try:

      function() {
        alert('removing structure');
        $("#modules .column_left, #modules .column_right").moveToGrandparent();
      function() {
        alert('replacing structure');

        var next = $('#modules > .column_left:first, #modules > .column_right:first');
        while (next.length > 0)
            var wrapper = $("<div />").addClass("two_column_box");
            next = $('#modules > .column_left:first, #modules > .column_right:first');

  (function($) {

    $.fn.moveToGrandparent = function() {
     return $(this).each(function() {


Although you're removing structure code worked, I re-wrote it to use a plugin. As for the replacing structure, I'm using the jQuery wrapAll method with a loop that gets the first elements until there aren't any elements remaining.

HTH, Ben

Thanks Ben; actually I think that gradbot's code is more concise, but I'll purloin your moveToGrandparent plugin for something else I need ! ;-)
+4  A: 

You should use wrapAll in your case since your wrapping multiple elements at once into the same element.

  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
      function() {
        alert('removing structure');
        var module_list = $("#modules > div > div");
      function() {
        alert('replacing structure');
        var next;
        while((next = $('#modules > div.column_left:first, #modules > div.column_right:first')).length)
          next.wrapAll('<div class="two_column_box"></div>');
I really like how concise your code is. I didn't know that you can pass jQuery element list to html method. Working demo for your code:http://jsbin.com/apake
Thanks gradbot - jQuery - always another function to learn!

Once slight addendum to gradbot's suggestion: the point is that the elements will be sorted using UI sortable, so I needed to re-class the items depending on where they were in the list - odd being lefthand side, even being righthand side. There's probably a quicker way to do it but...

  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        function() {
          alert('removing structure');
          var module_list = $("#modules > div > div");
        function() {
            alert('replacing structure');
            $('#modules > div').removeClass();
            $("#modules > div:odd").addClass('column_left');
            $("#modules > div:even").addClass('column_right');
            while((next = $('#modules > div.column_left:first, #modules > div.column_right:first')).length) {  
              next.wrapAll('<div class="two_column_box"></div>');
This makes sense when the class was removed during the removing structure toggle path.This might be redundant since it's working fine without the two new lines?
Jimmy Chandra
Sorry Jimmy - perhaps I wasn't being clear: between the restructure link being clicked the first and second time, the user may have REORDERED the divs (using jQuery UI sortable) - so the classes used to fetch the pairs will be wrong... hence the need to reset them using :odd and "even.That said, there may be a simpler way.