How can i get the string within a parenthesis with a custom function?
e.x. the string "GREECE (+30)" should return "+30" only
How can i get the string within a parenthesis with a custom function?
e.x. the string "GREECE (+30)" should return "+30" only
For the general problem, I'd suggest using Regex
. However, if you are sure about the format of the input string (only one set of parens, open paren before close paren), this would work:
int startIndex = s.IndexOf('(') + 1;
string result = s.Substring(startIndex, s.LastIndexOf(')') - startIndex);
You could look a regular expressions, or otherwise play with the IndexOf()
There are some different ways.
Plain string methods:
Dim left As Integer = str.IndexOf('(')
Dim right As Integer= str.IndexOf(')')
Dim content As String = str.Substring(left + 1, right - left - 1)
Regular expression:
Dim content As String = Regex.Match(str, "\((.+?)\)").Groups[1].Value
With regular expressions.
Dim result as String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("GREECE (+30)", "\((?<Result>[^\)]*)\)").Groups["Result"].Value;
Code is not tested, but I expect only compilation issues.
In Python, using the string index method and slicing:
>>> s = "GREECE(+30)"
>>> s[s.index('(')+1:s.index(')')]