




I am using today's timetable plugin on my website. Problem is, starting time is the current time. But I want it to define it to a fixed time (i.e. 10:00). How can I do it?

plugin url with instructions (very limited): http://www.cod3.net/timetable/

+1  A: 

In 'How to use it' section, it says that you can use the 'goTo' method to go to specific hour.

hi,thank you for responding. Yes but I want it start at a that time, placing a link wont help.
What do you mean by 'placing a link wont help?' You don't have to call the 'gotTo' method on click of a link, you can call it right after you initialize your timetable variable.
Well I tried it as the following code but it does not work, events dissappear.<script type="text/javascript">var Monday = new Timetable("mondayTable").goTo(9.3);Monday.addEvent("Breakfast Monday.addEvent("<img style='float:left' alt='Queens of the Stone Age' src='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/QOTSA_mg_5853.jpg/90px-QOTSA_mg_5853.jpg' />Opening Remarks<br /><a target='_blank' href='http://www.qotsa.com'>Official website</a><br /><a target='_blank' href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QOTSA'>Wikipedia page</a>", 9, 1);</script>

Hi, I am the author of today's timeable.

Have you found the solution by yourself? (SolutionYogi's answer was right)

I'll be pleased to help if you didn't.