I've been writing a little monadic parser-combinator library in F# (somewhat similar to FParsec) and now tried to implement a small parser for a programming language.
I first implemented the code in Haskell (with Parsec) which ran perfectly well. The parsers for infix expressions are designed mutually recursive.
parseInfixOp :: Parser String -> Parser Expression -> Parser Expression
parseInfixOp operatorParser subParser = ignoreSpaces $ do
x <- ignoreSpaces $ subParser
op <- ignoreSpaces $ operatorParser
y <- parseInfixOp operatorParser subParser
return $ BinaryOp op x y
<|> return x
parseInfix :: [String] -> Parser Expression -> Parser Expression
parseInfix list = parseInfixOp (foldl1 (<|>) $ map string list)
parseExpr :: Parser Expression
parseExpr = parseInfix0
parseInfix0 = parseInfix ["==", "<>", "And", "Or", "Xor", "<", ">", "<=", ">="] parseInfix1
parseInfix1 = parseInfix ["+", "-", "Mod"] parseInfix2
parseInfix2 = parseInfix ["*", "/", "\\"] parseInfix3
parseInfix3 = parseInfix ["^"] parseInfix4
parseInfix4 = parseFactor
parseFactor :: Parser Expression
parseFactor = parseFactor' <|> (betweenChars '(' ')' parseExpr)
parseFactor' :: Parser Expression
parseFactor' = parseString
<|> parseBool
<|> parseNumber
<|> parseVariable
<|> (try parseFunCall) <|> parseIdentifier
Since the order of functions doesn't matter and Haskell is evaluating in a non-strict way, this is OK, but F# is evaluating strictly.
let rec parseExpr = parseInfix0
and parseFactor = (parseFactor') <|> (betweenChars '(' ')' parseExpr)
and parseInfix2 = parseInfix ["^"] parseFactor BinaryOp
and parseInfix1 = parseInfix ["*"; "/"] parseInfix2 BinaryOp
and parseInfix0 = parseInfix ["+"; "-"] parseInfix1 BinaryOp
and parseFunCall = parser {
let! first = letter
let! rest = many (letter <|> digit)
let funcName = toStr $ first::rest
do! ignoreSpace
let! args = betweenChars '(' ')' $ sepBy (parseExpr) ","
return FunCall(funcName, args)
and parseFactor' =
<|> parseString
<|> parseBool
<|> parseFunCall
<|> parseIdentifier
F# now either complains about recursive objects and just throws a StackOverflowException
at runtime due to an infinite loop or it even doesn't compile the source because "a value would be part of its own definion".
What's the best way to prevent this errors. The debugger advices me to make use functions or lazy
s instead but what should I make lazy here?