Can WinForms and XAML not benefit from the same logic as CSS?
It occured to me this morning, as i was browsing some of my unanswered questions on Stackoverflow:
If you're not using FlowLayoutPanel or a TableLayoutPanel, to layout controls on your WinForm, you'll be accused of not doing it right.
This is in contrast with the (religious) debate in html world about CSS vs Tables.
It seems to me that the maintainability problems of a UI laid out with a table has been ported to WinForms. And with XAML, which can be thought of of a form of HTML, has embraced table based layouts. You'll have a hard time doing anything in XAML without using tables.
Can WinForms and XAML not benefit from the same logic as CSS? Can the maintenance problems of tables not be done away with? i realize accessibility isn't a problem on a WinForm or WPF form laid out using tables: the reader will not "see" the layout panel - so that's a problem in CSS that doesn't exist in WinForms.
But can't WinForms/XML benefit from non-table based layouts? i know i certainly don't want to have to move that "OK" button 3 dialog units to the left in a table-based approach.