I'm trying to write a managed library in C# that will act as an event source for an existing C++ event sink. The problem I'm having is that when the unmanaged app calls AtlAdvise to get the connection point map for my library it is getting the error "0x80040200" (CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION) - There are a couple of MSDN articles about that error that are related to unmanaged <--> unmanaged communication and an invalid connection point map in the COM server, but nothing about a managed COM server.
I've loaded up the idl from an unmanaged C++ server that works and got a list of the events that are exposed and then created those same events in my code by doing the following:
Created dll that contains the interfaces I have to implement
[ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch), Guid("xxxxxx")]
public interface IMyInterface
methods here
Created dll that has the class that implements the 3 required interfaces
[ComSourceInterfaces(typeof(IMyInterface), typeof(IMyOtherInterface), typeof(IMyThirdInterface))]
public class DeviceTranslator : IDisposable, IMyInterface, IMyOtherInterface, IMyThirdInterface
created delegates in the namespace of the managed interface
namespace myNS.Interfaces
public delegate void DistributeMessage([In] ref OLDMESSAGE Message);
and created events in the actual IMyInterface
event DistributeMessage myDistributeMessage;
in my class I implemented the event: public event DistributeMessage myDistributeMessage;
I can place a breakpoint in my constructor, see that the dll gets loaded properly, but when this piece of unmanaged code is called I get the error referenced above: (pDistributeSink is a CEventSink cast to an IUnknown*, and The GUID for IID_IDistributeEvent is the same GUID as IMyInterface)
hr = AtlAdvise(m_pUnknown, pDistributeSink, IID_IDistributeEvent, &m_dwConnectionPointCookie);
At this point I'm totally scratching my head and don't understand what else AtlAdvise needs to get its connection point map back from the CLR...