I am making window application using WPF. For that i have used Expression blend. I am facing one problem while animating button steps are mentioned below:
- Place one lable-1 over form then
- Place one button-1 inside lable then
- Design samll button like start stop pause and place them inside button-1
Apply timeline animation for button-1 on mouse enter and change colour from green to red. Add another time line mouse leave for button-1 in which we swap colour in previous state.
Now problem occur when we move and focus mouse curson inside (pause/start/stop button) because again mouse leave event of button-1 fire but we don't want to fire that event when curson move from button-1 to child buttons(start,stop,pause). Same happens when we move mouse from child button to main button-1 because now mouse enter event of button-1 fire.
How can we handle this situation because if i want to create timeline for child button it doesn't word smothly.