I am trying to achieve an LDAP query to gather all properties we have about our users without specifying the properties before hand, I would like to display this in a table so used the below code. This works if I uncomment the search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("cn"); line and will display any other properties I add in the same way but not when I do a full search for all properties.
DirectoryEntry myLdapConnection = createDirectoryEntry();
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(myLdapConnection);
search.CacheResults = true;
SearchResultCollection allResults = search.FindAll();
DataTable resultsTable = new DataTable("Results");
//add columns for each property in results
foreach (string colName in allResults.PropertiesLoaded)
resultsTable.Columns.Add(colName, colName.GetType());
//loop to add records to DataTable
foreach (SearchResult result in allResults)
int tmp = result.Properties.Count;
DataRow row = resultsTable.NewRow();
foreach (string columnName in search.PropertiesToLoad)
if (columnName.Equals("lastlogon"))
if (result.Properties.Contains(columnName))
row[columnName] = ConvertDate(result.Properties[columnName].ToString());
row[columnName] = "";
if (result.Properties.Contains(columnName))
row[columnName] = result.Properties[columnName][0].ToString();
row[columnName] = "";
gridResults.DataSource = resultsTable;
The problem seems to be with
foreach (string colName in allResults.PropertiesLoaded)
resultsTable.Columns.Add(colName, colName.GetType());
I expected this to loop all properties when no PropertiesToLoad had been specified but it doesn't is their a way to achieve what I want to.
I know I need a few try catches and other bits in the code as of yet, it's a rough draft.