




I've done some simple string -> DateTime conversions before using DateTime.ParseExact(), but I have a string that I can't seem to get parsed properly. I'm probably doing something very obvious wrong but I just can't see what it is.

The code is as follows:

string date = "Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:23 pm";
DateTime lastupdate = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "ddd MMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt", null);

Running it gives a FormatException. Is my formatting string incorrect?

ps I've tried to use p.m. rather than pm in the input string but that didn't help either.


Do you need to parse it exactly, or can you not just use DateTime.Parse?

+4  A: 

Try this:

DateTime lastupdate = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "ddd MMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-us"));

An error would occur if the culture was for example "fr-fr" or "de-de".

Why is this marked as correct? Your date is incorrect, which is causing the error.
Maybe he edited it, but it's June not January.
That did it. I think my system's regional settings are set to Netherlands, so it's probably using that culture as well then. I had (still have) no idea what the supplied culture would do in the parsing process, as I literally supply the formatting of the string. My mistake. I'll do a bit of further reading into these functions :-)
Didn't edit the date. There's nothing wrong with it. June 23rd was a tuesday. I did edit the post to add the exception in there though. But weiqure's solution is valid, is it not?
Yes, the date wasn't edited, it was me!