



I have a simple sequence of web pages written in ASP.Net 3.5 SP1.

  • Page1 - A Logon Form.... txtUsername, txtPassword and cmdLogon
  • Page2 - A Menu (created using DevExpress ASP.Net controls)
  • Page3 - The page redirected to by the server in the event that the user picks the right menu option in Page2

I would like to create a threaded program to simulate many users trying to use this sequence of pages.

I have managed to create a host Winforms app which Launches a new thread for each "User" I have further managed to work out the basics of WebRequest enough to perform a request which retrieves the Logon page itself.

    Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create("http://MyURL/Logon.aspx"), HttpWebRequest)
    Dim Response As HttpWebResponse = TryCast(Request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
    Dim ResponseStream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))
    Dim HTMLResponse As String = ResponseStream.ReadToEnd()

Next I need to simulate the user having entered information into the 2 TextBoxes and pressing logon.... I have a hunch this requires me to add the right sort of "PostData" to the request. before submitting.

However I'm also concerned that "ViewState" may be an issue.

Am I correct regarding the PostData? How do I add the postData to the request?

Do I need to be concerned about Viewstate?

Update: While I appreciate that Selenium or similar products are useful for acceptance testing , I find that they are rather clumsy for what amounts to load testing.

I would prefer not to load 100 instances of Firefox or IE in order to simulate 100 users hitting my site.

This was the reason I was hoping to take the ASPNet HttpWebRequest route.


Would Selinium - be useful?

I will certainly take a look. Although I wonder about a system such as this working inside a browser... I hope to up the number parallel users to something like 100. Also I will need to be able to feed custom data into the Logon box for each of these users.
Rory Becker
Looks like Selenium is better for acceptance testing.... I need to write something to hammer my Server for just these few pages. If I Try to launch 100 threads under selenium, it looks like selenium will launch 100 instances of firefox... this seems like a bad idea.
Rory Becker

I'd go with Selenium. With Selenium IDE you can generate tests simply by clicking through the sequence you want.

You can also use Selenium Remote Control and program your tests yourself - or you can have them generated by Selenium IDE and paste them into your Selenium RC project.

Selenium is worth a shot! (However you could look at Watir as an alternative) enjoy!

Oh... One more thing - using Selenium - you won't have any viewstate issues. It'll simply do what you tell it too
See previous comments to @waqasahmed
Rory Becker

At my company, we are using Jmeter. JMeter can simulate web requests and gives pretty detailed statistics. Also, I noticed from one of your comments, you want to simulate multiple users, well we are in the process of configuring jmeter to do that as well.
