I had a (friendly but heated) argument with my lead developer the other day because our project has TSQL Scripts that I code directly into SQL files which I then run against the database. I find that when I do this, it's easy to work out the schema in advance without fiddly pointing and clicking and then there's no opportunity to forget to generate a script to put into source control as generating the script no longer becomes a chore you have to do after the fact, but is an implicit part of the process (and also leads to cleaner scripts without the extra crap that SQL Server Management Studio inserts into the scripts it generates).
My lead developer insists that having to manually script it out is a pain in the arse and that he absolutely refuses to write his scripts by hand when there are perfectly good tools to do it without coding. I've noticed that the copying of his changes into the actual scripts tends to get delayed a bit as a result though.
What are your thoughts on the pros and/or cons of doing it one way vs the other? Am I being too rigid/old-school in my sticking to hand coding schema scripts or is he being too reliant on third party tools and losing something in the process?