I'm using streetview as an embed in one of my pages. I'd really like to remove the streetview controls though, or at least change their position to the top right, instead of the default top left.
My javascript code is controlling the embed, and the API documentation suggests that "streetview" is just another layer on top of the normal maps API, but I can't find any way of removing them.
Can anyone help?
function initcf1() {
var myPano = new GStreetviewPanorama(document.getElementById("container"));
position= new GLatLng(51.479018, -0.215178);
myPOV = {yaw:378.64659986187695, pitch:-7};
myPano.setLocationAndPOV(position, myPOV);
GEvent.addListener(myPano, "error", handleNoFlash);