I'm having a hard time grokking classes in lua. Fruitless googling led me to ideas about metatables and implied 3rd party libraries are necessary to simulate/write classes.
Here's a sample (just because I've noticed I get better answers when I provide sample code)
public class ElectronicDevice
protected bool _isOn;
public bool IsOn { get { return _isOn; } set { _isOn = value; } }
public void Reboot(){_isOn = false; ResetHardware();_isOn = true; }
public class Router : ElectronicDevice
public class Modem :ElectronicDevice
public void WarDialNeighborhood(string areaCode)
ElectronicDevice cisco = new Router();
if (_isOn) StartDialing(areaCode);
UPDATE: Here is my first attempt to translate the above using the technique suggested by Javier.
UPDATE2: Took advice of RBerteig, however, invocations on derived classes still yeild "attempt to call method 'methodName' (a nil value)"
--everything is a table
ElectronicDevice = {};
--magic happens
mt = {__index=ElectronicDevice};
--This must be a constructor
function ElectronicDeviceFactory ()
-- Seems that the metatable holds the fields
return setmetatable ({isOn=true}, mt)
-- simulate properties with get/set functions
function ElectronicDevice:getIsOn() return self.isOn end
function ElectronicDevice:setIsOn(value) self.isOn = value end
function ElectronicDevice:Reboot() self.isOn = false;
self:ResetHardware(); self.isOn = true; end
function ElectronicDevice:ResetHardware() print('resetting hardware...') end
Router = {};
mt_for_router = {__index=Router}
--Router inherits from ElectronicDevice
Router = setmetatable({},{__index=ElectronicDevice});
--Constructor for subclass, not sure if metatable is supposed to be different
function RouterFactory ()
return setmetatable ({},mt_for_router)
Modem ={};
mt_for_modem = {__index=Modem}
--Modem inherits from ElectronicDevice
Modem = setmetatable({},{__index=ElectronicDevice});
--Constructor for subclass, not sure if metatable is supposed to be different
function ModemFactory ()
return setmetatable ({},mt_for_modem)
function Modem:WarDialNeighborhood(areaCode)
cisco = RouterFactory();
cisco.Reboot(); --Call reboot on a router
self.Reboot(); --Call reboot on a modem
if (self.isOn) then self:StartDialing(areaCode) end;
function Modem:StartDialing(areaCode)
print('now dialing all numbers in ' .. areaCode);
testDevice = ElectronicDeviceFactory();
print("The device is on? " .. (testDevice:getIsOn() and "yes" or "no") );
testDevice:Reboot(); --Ok
testRouter = RouterFactory();
testRouter:ResetHardware(); -- nil value
testModem = ModemFactory();
testModem:StartDialing('123'); -- nil value