The C# code snippets I create can only be ended by hitting Enter, while the built-in snippets such as 'struct' can be completed by tabbing through the custom fields.
It's not a big issue but it is annoying. I tried copying the entire XML for the struct snippet into my own, replacing only the shortcut name. Even so I had to hit Enter to complete the insertion.
Any ideas why this is so? Can anyone else reproduce this behavior?
Here is the snippet I am trying to write:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets xmlns="">
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
<Description>Code snippet for ICommand</Description>
<Author>Andreas Larsen</Author>
<ToolTip>Command name</ToolTip>
<Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[public ICommand $name$Command
if (_$name$Command == null)
_$name$Command = new DelegateCommand($name$);
return _$name$Command;