



I'm trying to map the output of a stored procedure to an object in my project using nHibernate.

The object is delcared like this:

public class NewContentSearchResult
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string ContentType { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public int CMIId { get; set; }
    public int FeatureId { get; set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
     return base.Equals(obj);

    public override int GetHashCode()
     return base.GetHashCode();

and the mapping looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="Class.Assembly"
    default-lazy="false" default-cascade="none">
  <class name="NewContentSearchResult" mutable="false" check="none">
    <composite-id unsaved-value="none">
      <key-property name="CMIId" type="int" />
      <key-property name="FeatureId" type="int" />
    <property name="ContentType" type="string" />
    <property name="Name" type="string" />
    <property name="Count" type="int" />
  <sql-query name="spWebGetNewContentBySalesRole">
    <return class="NewContentSearchResult" lock-mode="read">
      <return-property name="Name" column="Name" />
      <return-property name="ContentType" column="FeatureDesc" />
      <return-property name="Count" column="Number" />
      <return-property name="CMIId" column="CMIId" />
      <return-property name="FeatureId" column="FeatureId" />
    exec core.spWebGetNewContentBySalesRole :SalesRoleId

The stored proc call is correct, and I get back results that look like this for SalesRoleId 266 (as an example):

CMIId       FeatureDesc       FeatureId     Name       Count
4000719 Guest Book       12    Charlie Brown 2
4000719 Audio Guest Book 3    Charlie Brown 1

Without the composite key (using just the CMIId) it works just fine, except when there are 2 results (as above) that share a CMIId...the 2nd is overwritten by the first.

I have to use a composite key, and CMIId/FeatureId is the logical combination.

When I run this now, I get an exception:

NHibernate.ADOException: could not execute query
[ exec core.spWebGetNewContentBySalesRole ? ]
  Name: SalesRoleId - Value: 266
[SQL: exec core.spWebGetNewContentBySalesRole ?] --->  System.IndexOutOfRangeException: CMIId22_0_.
+2  A: 

In the past when I've used a composite-key I've always had to create a separate class for that ID with the properties of the class matching the separate keys for the composite. Have you tried this?

Mark Struzinski
+1  A: 

Ok, further research has convinced me that it's not possible to have composite ids in nHibernate when you use a stored procedure.

To that end, I modified my SQL to include rownumber() and I'm using that as an id. I can only do this because it's read-only, with no writing to the db, but it works for my purpose.

Could you post the resulting code and mappings? I'm trying to do the same but I'm getting an error.
The mapping just adds an 'id' field which is NOT a composite id, and the SQL just has 'rownumber() as id' as the first parameter.

A bit late in the day, but I can second Mark Struzinski - this is possible.

I ran into this problem recently and solved it by using a separate class for the composite key and using elements within the mapping as follows.

<sql-query name="" >
    <return alias="" class="">
        <return-property name="MyId">
            <return-column name="NameInResultSet1" />
            <return-column name="NameInResultSet2" />
            <return-column name="NameInResultSet3" />
            <return-column name="NameInResultSet4" />
        <return-property name="OtherProperty" column="OtherProperty" />
    exec MyStoredProc :parameter

Note that the "name" attributes inside the return-column elements represent the names in the result set, and should be in the same order as the properties in the id class.

Joe Field