Hi guys -)
Here is the portion of the manual (link text):
POST hxxp://maps.google.com/maps/feeds/maps/userID/full
Content-type: application/atom+xml
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth="authorization_token"
Where i can get userID if only thing i got from the last seesion with google (authorization) is AuthToken ? Yes, we can get after retrieving maps list, but what if i want login with my google account, get authToken and start to create a map ?
Any suggestions would be great. tnx in adv. -)
The default metafeed requests all maps created by the user associated
with the passed authentication token. (Additionally the default
metafeed is useful for determing your userID, which is included in the
You can use the user id 'default', which tells Maps to use the currently
authenticated user (via token):