"...So i'm tweaking the schema and queries to help speed some things up..." - I would beg to differ about this. It seems that you're slowing things down. (Just kidding.)
I like the Database Programmer blog. He has two columns for and against normalization that you might find helpful:
- http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/10/argument-for-normalization.html
- http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/10/argument-for-denormalization.html
I'm not a DBA, but I think the evidence is in front of your eyes: Performance is worse. I don't see what splitting these 1:1 relationships into separate tables is buying you, but I'll be happy to take instruction.
Before I changed anything, I'd ask SQL Server to EXPLAIN PLAN on every query that was slow and use that information to see exactly what should be changed. Don't guess because a normalization guru told you so. Get the data to back up what you're doing. What you're doing sounds like optimizing middle tier code without profiling. Gut feelings aren't very accurate.