




Im workin for last few days on possibility to modify brightness or contrast in my video player (avi, mpeg, wmv), i was tryin with:

  • DirectX.AudioVideoPlayer.
  • Direct Show and Video Mixing Renderer
  • Windows Media Player Component

in every case im able to play, pouse, stop, mute video and so on. but i stuck with controlling of brightness.

In AVP i havent find anything to workout.

In DS i found DirectShowNet library and with its help i tried to use ProcAmp Control Processing. but i fall into two errors - first 80040273 (VFW_E_DDRAW_CAPS_NOT_SUITABLE) happened becouse im using pivot monitor in vertical mode, so when i come back to horizontal - error gone. Second error 0x80040299 (VFW_E_VMR_NO_PROCAMP_HW) showed me that my hardware doesnt support ProCamp - strange.

So i decided to try WMP component and again found nothing about brightness/contrast settings, well exactly i found that this component doesnt provide VideoSettings. there is something about IWmpVideoSettingsCtrl interface but nobody knows how to find it. after another few hours of googling i found comertial component named "WMPEx" which provide wide functionallity of WMP, but it cost $1600 (lol), there is a free version of WMPEx but it only supports changing of hue.

and now i have no more ideas how to solve this problem. please take a look at this. i hope that someone figured out it and found the solution.