I have a small winapp that uses LinqToSQL as it's DAL. I am creating a summary view of all the CaseNotes for a given person and one of the fields is a Details box. I need to return only the first 50 characters of that column to my treeview function.
Any hints on how I do that? The below is how my TreeView function gets its data for display and the ContactDetails is the column in question.
public static DataTable GetTreeViewCNotes(int personID)
var context = new MATRIXDataContext();
var caseNotesTree = from cn in context.tblCaseNotes
where cn.PersonID == personID
orderby cn.ContactDate
select new { cn.CaseNoteID,cn.ContactDate, cn.ParentNote, cn.IsCaseLog, cn.ContactDetails };
var dataTable = caseNotesTree.CopyLinqToDataTable();
return dataTable;
I am posting this here in case any future searchers wonder what the solution looks like in the questions context.
public static DataTable GetTreeViewCNotes(int personID)
DataTable dataTable;
using (var context = new MATRIXDataContext())
var caseNotesTree = from cn in context.tblCaseNotes
where cn.PersonID == personID
orderby cn.ContactDate
select new
ContactDetailsPreview = cn.ContactDetails.Substring(0,50)
dataTable = caseNotesTree.CopyLinqToDataTable();
return dataTable;