Geeks are excellent at working to metrics, whether they are good for them or not!
You can use this to your advantage. Set up a CI server and fail the build whenever code coverages drops below 50 percent. Let them know that the threshold will rise 10 percent every month until it's 90. You could perhaps use some commit hooks to stop them being able to check code in to begin with but I've never tried this myself.
Let them know the coverage by the team will be taken into effect in any performance reviews, etc. By emphasising it is the coverage of the team, you should get peer pressure helping you ensure good coverage.
This will only ensure they are testing their code, not how well they are testing their code, nor whether they are writing the tests first. However, it is strongly encouraging (or forcing) them to incorporate testing into their daily development process.
Generally, once people have something in their process they'll want to do something as easily/ efficiently as possible. TDD is the easiest way to write code with high coverage as you don't write a line of code without it being covered.