




I have a project that is using Unity and I am trying to implement NET Remoting. I have a NET Remoting Server for an existing Service Layer that has a Data Layer using the Enterpise Library Data Access Application Block. The problem is that due to Remoting requiring a parameterless constructor when the TestService is called I am getting a null reference exception. Any ideas on how to implement this with Unity?

Here is my code:

TestService from Service Layer:

public class TestService : MarshalByRefObject, ITestService
    private ITestRepository repository;

    public TestService(ITestRepository repository)
        this.repository = repository;        

    public TestService() <--- parameterless constructor

    public List<Book> GetBooks()
        return repository.GetBooks();

TestRepository from Data Layer:

public class TestRepository : ITestRepository
    private Database db;

    public TestRepository(Database db)
        this.db = db;      

    public List<Book> GetBooks()
      List<Book> list = new List<Book>();
        list.Add(new Book(1, "test book 1"));
        list.Add(new Book(2, "test book 2"));
        return list;

Book class:

public class Book : MarshalByRefObject
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Book() { }
    public Book(int id, string name)
        this.ID = id;
        this.Name = name;

Simple test RemotingServer:

TestRepository testRepository;
TestService testService;

IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();


container.RegisterType<ITestRepository, TestRepository>();

container.RegisterType<ITestService, TestService>();

testService = container.Resolve<TestService>();

TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(9988);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(TestService), "TestService", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
System.Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key");

Simple Remoting Client:

ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(new TcpClientChannel());
            ITestService testService = (ITestService)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ITestService), "tcp://localhost:9988/TestService");

        foreach(Book item in testService.GetBooks())
            Console.WriteLine("Book:\n" + item.Name);    


Here is the full exception:

line 40 is calling repository.GetBooks();

at Test.Services.IssueService.GetBooks() in TestService.cs:line 40 at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)

