




If you're just going to vote this down and not tell me how to do better, what's the point? How can I learn to make the question better if you vote -1 and not leave me a comment.

   case (o.type) when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' else 'TABLE' end,
   (select convert(varchar(8000), value) from ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, 'user', u.name, 'table', o.name, null, null) where name = 'MS_Description') as coln
   sys.sysobjects o
   join sys.schemas  u on (u.schema_id = o.uid)
   o.type in ('U', 'S')
   and u.name = "something here"
order by 1, 2

Is there a simple fix to make it work or is it all F'ed up?

The error is:

SQLSTATE = 42000, Microsoft SQL Native Client, Incorrect Syntax near ‘u’

This help for the function is virtually useless.

This seems like a very anti-sql, anti-normalization of data, pretty obtuse way of storing table comments.

Why isn't there comments column on a all_tables view?


hard coded values in the function work fine, passing the results of the query in, do not. I've never seen anything like this before.

** Update II **

I replaced the 2005 native driver with the 2007 native driver and it no longer errors out, but it returns ZERO tables. ODBC works fine.


Does it work if you use CROSS APPLY instead of a nested SELECT?

   case (o.type) when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' else 'TABLE' end,
   convert(varchar(8000), ex.value) as coln
   [%CATALOG%.]sys.sysobjects o
   join [%CATALOG%.]sys.schemas  u on (u.schema_id = o.uid)
   cross apply ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, 'user', u.name, 'table', o.name, null, null) ex
   o.type in ('U', 'S')
[  and u.name = %.q:OWNER%]
and ex.name = 'MS_Description'
order by 1, 2
Ken Keenan
Thanks, I'll try it and let you know...
Same error different line
The problem might be with those %CATALOG% tokens-- I'm not familiar with them. Are they a new feature in SQL Server 2008? They look like placeholders that are intended to be expanded by some kind of pre-processor. Are you using such a thing? When I take them out, the query parses correctly.
Ken Keenan
Thanks Ken, you're right, they are preprocessor macro expansions. I don't know what got added there. That, might just be the problem. I'll see what is getting added.
that's not it... we removed those before running, let me clarify in an edit

You've got a bad open square bracket:

[  and u.name = %.q:OWNER%]

should be

and u.name = [%.q:OWNER%]

And I agree on those token things, I've never seen them before and I bet a lot of others haven't, either. I recommend replacing them.

I'd also fix that "order by 1,2" and use column names instead.

John Saunders
that's a macro expansion as Ken pointed out. they aren't what gets executed.
So the square bracket was supposed to be fore the "and"?
John Saunders
The client which generates the sql, would be expanding the macro.
Stephanie, I got that. The question was, in that macro, was the "[" supposed to be in front of the "and"? It said "[ and u.name = %.q:OWNER%]"
John Saunders
Doesn't matter... that's just a pass through. It won't touch it, it's text. The only MACRO that would be touched exists between %'s.