If you're just going to vote this down and not tell me how to do better, what's the point? How can I learn to make the question better if you vote -1 and not leave me a comment.
case (o.type) when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' else 'TABLE' end,
(select convert(varchar(8000), value) from ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, 'user', u.name, 'table', o.name, null, null) where name = 'MS_Description') as coln
sys.sysobjects o
join sys.schemas u on (u.schema_id = o.uid)
o.type in ('U', 'S')
and u.name = "something here"
order by 1, 2
Is there a simple fix to make it work or is it all F'ed up?
The error is:
SQLSTATE = 42000, Microsoft SQL Native Client, Incorrect Syntax near ‘u’
This help for the function is virtually useless.
This seems like a very anti-sql, anti-normalization of data, pretty obtuse way of storing table comments.
Why isn't there comments column on a all_tables view?
hard coded values in the function work fine, passing the results of the query in, do not. I've never seen anything like this before.
** Update II **
I replaced the 2005 native driver with the 2007 native driver and it no longer errors out, but it returns ZERO tables. ODBC works fine.