



I've got C# code that accesses MySQL through ODBC.

It creates a transaction, does a few thousand insert commands, and then commits. Now my question is how many "round trips", so to speak, happen against the DB server? I mean, does it simply transmit every insert command to the DB server, or does it cache/buffer them and send them in batches? And is this configurable in any way?



Its hard to say without seeing your code, but Im assuming you are executing the statements 1 at a time. So, you will get 1 round trip per insert statement. In MSSql you can execute multiple inserts in a single statement eg.

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery "insert table values (1) insert table values (2)"

So you can create a big string and execute it (I think it will have a limit), I assume this will work for MySql

Also in MSsql you have a batch inserter (Lookup SqlBulkCopy), in MySql perhaps try loading the data from a temp file

Sam Saffron
I do not know about the ODBC connection of MySQL, but MySQL itself allows to concat several commands in a single execution. Also, you can do smth. like "INSERT INTO table VALUES ('hello', 'bye'), ('what', 'ever');" so answering nickf's question withe the given information is a bit hard. :)
+2  A: 

It does one round trip per query you submit (regardless of whether it's in a transaction or not).

It is possible, in MySQL, to use "extended insert" syntax which allows you to insert several (or indeed, many) rows in a single statement. This is generally considered a Good Thing.


When using MySQL 4.x a few years ago, we ran into a hard limit on query size that was not configurable.

This probably won't help you much as, 1) I don't remember what the hard limit was, 2) you're probably not using MySQL 4.x, and 3) we weren't using transactions.

Good luck!

Ian P
+1  A: 

A round trip to the DB server is not the same as a round trip to the database on disk.

Before you decide that the round trips are a bottleneck, do some actual measurements.

There are ways to insert multiple rows with a single insert, depending on your DBMS. Before you invest the coding effort, figure out whether it's likely to do you any good.

Walter Mitty
+11  A: 

Mysql has an extended SQL style that can be used, where mass inserts are put in several at a time.

INSERT INTO table (id, event) VALUES (1, 94263), (2, 75015), (3, 75015);

I will usually collect a few hundred insert-parts into a string before running the SQL query itself. This will reduce the overhead of parsing and communication by batching them yourself.

Alister Bulman
Any idea how many sets of parenthesis (),(),() are to be considered as 'large'? What I mean to ask is, after how many extended insert rows (= sets of parenthesis after VALUES ) in 1 query should we consider making a new query?
It depends as to the size of the data, but it's a toss-up between personal choice and database traffic limits (eg Mysql's 'max allowed packet' size). I generally do somewhere around 100. It's just a little extra time if there's less per packet, and I don't want to risk any problems.
Alister Bulman

So what's the limit on the number of rows that can/should be inserted in one extended insert command?

Any ideas on how to go about figuring the right number? (naturally I assume the performance benefit decreases at some point as a function of the number of rows)

Assaf Lavie

depends on where you invoke sql statement, I tried it once with Mysql JDBC driver and get an error saying the limit is 1MB but it is configurable . I didn't bother to try to configure it and just split the sql statements into smaller pieces