



What do you call the punctuation marks { and } ?

Braces? Curly brackets? Something else?

+8  A: 

"Curly brackets"



+3  A: 

I don't know, so I try to avoid calling them anything. I write or type them when possible.

Why do I like this answer so much... Probably because I have those situations where someone asks why I use those "euh... things, you know... zigzaggy thing... wobbly parentheses", I "curly braces?", "what?", "This?" I type {}. He/she shouts... "yeah, that thing..."
+43  A: 

Curly Braces

Dave Morgan
This make more sense to me but for some reason I could never get into the habit of calling them braces, I always used curly brackets.
"Curly braces" is redundant :P ("Braces" = "Curly Brackets").
I like to say "wrap it in curlies". aww, cute!
Johannes Schaub - litb
@Yohnny: I agree that it's redundant, but I can't stop myself from saying "curly braces" and "square brackets", even though "braces" and "brackets" ought to suffice
..but "curly braces" sounds soo much cooler then just plain old "braces"...
These are the only kind of braces there are. "Curly Braces" makes no more sense than "irregardless" does.
Yeah, I don't get "curly braces." What other kind are there?
@Nosredna: The ones that hold up the oldies trousers? And the ones on your intern's teeth
Marc Gravell
+38  A: 


The definitive answer. I hate it when someone calls parentheses "brackets".
Steve Guidi
@Steve: America doesn't have a monopoly on the English language. Brackets *are* parentheses in British English.
Agreed with 'braces', with the slight addition of specifying opening brace and closing brace (rather than perhaps left brace and right brace): this is also the canonical answer in the list in the (Coding Horror ASCII Pronunciation Rules for Programmers)
@Luke: Thanks for pointing that out for us Brits. I would have been obliged to do so anyway!
+16  A: 

"Braces" -- to me, "brackets" refers to [ and ].

Richard Dunlap
+1  A: 

Curly braces. [ and ] are brackets or square brackets


Most of what I've seen is a combination of either "curly" or "brace". So, it might be called a "curly" or "curly bracket" or "brace" or something like that. Personally, I call them "braces".

David Thornley
+1  A: 

I call them braces. On many SLR cameras they use this '[]' symbol for the bracketing feature and I've always known '[' and ']' as brackets myself.

Eric M
+8  A: 


+1 - exactly what I was going to say: "Public int main bracket int arg-see comma char star star arg-vee bracket open squiggly". Note also the use of the one true squig^H^H^H^H^Hbrace style ;-}
+4  A: 

I name them as follows:

  • (brackets)
  • {curly brackets} or sometimes {braces} or even {curly braces}
  • [square brackets]

US English seems to have:

  • (parentheses)
  • [brackets]
  • {braces}
Roger Lipscombe
Everything is a bracket to you. :)
Mike Miller
+1  A: 

Nothing, they're not available on Italian keyboards.

And yet Italian C-programmers exist. They use trigraphs.

Rhythmic Fistman
+1  A: 

I call those braces, and I call [ and ] brackets. I consider the terms curly braces and square brackets redundant, but sometimes the redundancy helps avoid confusion, in part because brace and bracket are similar words, easily confused, and in part because some people use braces or brackets to mean parentheses.

Rob Kennedy
+5  A: 

In Denmark we often call them "Tuborg parenthesis" refering to the shape of the red and white sunshade used by the Danish beer brand Tuborg. There is more information on Wikipedia in Danish and in English.

Martin Liversage
+1  A: 

In Portuguese, "chaves"

Samuel Carrijo
+2  A: 

In my books (I am from Canada) these are:

() = Parentheses
[] = Brackets
{} = Braces

Until recently when I was typing on a european keyboard I thought these were standard symbols and everyone called them the same, but now I realize different cultures call them different things, and some keyboards don't even have these on them!

+1  A: 

In French, "accolades".

In germany i call them "geschweifte klammer". But not sure whether anyone wants to know?
Johannes Schaub - litb
I put it anyway, since "accolade" is an English word too.
In Dutch, it's also accolade, probably French borrowword.
Marco van de Voort
{kapcsos zárójel}, [szögletes zárójel], (zárójel) - in Hungarian. Zárójel means: closing mark. Yes, the opening brackets are closing, too. { - kapcsos zárójel nyitva: closing mark opened, } - kapcsos zárójel zárva: closing mark closed. :)

No-one's stated < >

Which I call "inequalities" (if used singularly) or "chevrons" (if used as parentheses).

To me {} are curly braces.

I would call those angle brackets.
Alex Peck
{} = braces[] = brackets<> = angle brackets
+6  A: 
* round brackets, open brackets, or parentheses:  ( )
* square brackets, closed brackets, or box brackets:  [ ]
* curly brackets or braces:  { }
* angle brackets, diamond brackets, cone brackets, or chevrons:  < > or ⟨ ⟩



+2  A: 

{} - chaves [] - colchetes () - parênteses

in Portuguese, of course.


Begin problem code and End problem code (respectively).

Marc Bollinger