I have been given an assignment that requires dynamically creating many web data entry pages mostly in questionnaire form.
I am using visual studio 2008, aspnet , c#3.5 and sqlserver 2005.
The questions are hierarchical and are stored in sqlserver with hierarchy info and info on which questionnaire(s) they belong to.
Some questions require answers via radio button y/n/na and some require an int as input.
I was thinking of using listview or gridviews (bound to the database with a sqldatasource that filters the questions for the questionnaire being generated) for the data entry.
One listview or gidview would contain the question and a column of radio buttons. I would have to loop thru it row by row to save the data in the db.
The other listview or gidview would have a column bound to a integer column in the db. An inline edit would update the db automatically.
Is there a tool that does this? Preferably with a gui that the enduser can use to enter, edit and change the order and hierarchy of the questions?
Open source is best, but a reasonably priced tool is ok also.
Any other suggestions are also appreciated.