



I am trying to turn off Request Validation for all action methods in a controller by doing this:

public class MyController : Controller

The reference I am using says this is possible and tells me to do it this way, but for some reason it's not working.

If I submit any html (even a simple <b> tag) through a text box, I get the error:

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (text=<b>").

It's also not working by attaching the attribute to an individual method.

How can I disable Request Validation for a controller?


I am working in VS2008 built in test server.

+4  A: 

I tested it on my machine, on both the class definition and the action method, and it worked for me in both cases. Are you sure your view lines up with your method/controller? Are you putting the attribute on the GET method or the POST method?

public ActionResult MyAction (int id, string content) {   
    // ...   
Robert Harvey
In the original question, I stated that I did that. And my reference, Apress Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework, clearly states, "If you want to disable it eitherfor a specific action method or across a specific controller, you can use the [ValidateInput] filter,as follows:[ValidateInput(false)]public class MyController : Controller { ... }"
Ronnie Overby
Robert Harvey
Sorry, Ronnie. It works on my machine, whether I put the attribute on the method or the class.
Robert Harvey
I have tried on the controller and the action. I know the view lines up with the action method, because I have only 1 view and 1 controller. I have done a complete build and rebuild. I don't understand why this will not work!
Ronnie Overby
Ronnie, try it Keithm's way. Put ValidateRequest=false; in the constructor of your controller.
Robert Harvey
His way didn't work either.
Ronnie Overby
So there is something systemically wrong. Consider creating a new project with a simple controller and view, and test again. There is a counterpart in plain ASP.NET that can be tested also. Did you stumble across this post?
Robert Harvey
+2  A: 

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework (p466) says the following is supposed to work:

public class MyController : Controller 
     public MyController {
        ValidateRequest = false;
Keith Morgan
It doesn't intellisense or compile there. I tried putting it into the action method (where it does intellisense), but it didn't work.
Robert Harvey
"ValidateRequest = false;" is supposed to be in the constructor. I I had tried it on one of my controllers but transcribed it wrong.
Keith Morgan
It does work if you put it into the constructor.
Robert Harvey
This doesn't work either.
Ronnie Overby

Can you post your controller file and your view file.

This works;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Ajax;

namespace testapp.Controllers
    public class MyTestController : Controller

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();



<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
 <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
 <%= Html.TextBox("test")%>
 <button type="submit"  >Submit</button>
 <%} %>
Tony Borf
your sample for mvc 2 does not work

Who knows what was wrong.... it started working.

Ronnie Overby
maybe you restarted the server, rebuilt the project?