I'm trying to test code around a web service that is not available yet. I'm trying to dummy up my own version. According to the specs it will be called like this.
var service = new Service();
service.SD = new ServiceData();
service.SD.ID = "ABC123";
service.SD.Auth = "00000";
string result = service.DoMyThing();
This is the closest I've gotten.
var service = new Service();
service.set_SD(new ServiceData());
service.get_SD().ID = "ABC123";
service.get_SD().Auth = "00000";
The problem is with the SD property. How do I write the service so that Visual Studio 2008 generates the web reference correctly?
Here is my current dummy web service code.
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService
// This doesn't show up in the generated proxy at all
public static ServiceData SDTest;
// For extra credit explain why this needs to be static for it to work
private static ServiceData _sd;
public ServiceData SD
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
get { return _sd; }
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
set { _sd = value; }
public string DoMyThing()
// Presumably the real service accesses SD in here
return "";
public class ServiceData
public string ID { get; set; }
public string Auth { get; set; }