



+1  Q: 

CSS Conflict

Hello all

Im trying to do a simple :focus effect for all my INPUT elements, like so:

INPUT:focus { border-color: orange; }

This works great, until I add this bit of CSS to the style sheet:

.form_container .col2 INPUT
border: 2px solid #CCCCCC;
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;

Now once I add the above, the focus effect doesnt work on any input within the form_container class, when I take the above out it works.

I can get the effect to work by specifying the class for the INPUT like so:

.form_container .col2 INPUT:focus { border-color: orange; }

But I dont understand why I have to do this? I want to control all INPUT effects like i do in the first example

if any one can shed some light on this thx

+7  A: 

That's because

.form_container .col2 INPUT

is more specific than


In CSS, more specific rules have higher priority, no matter what the order is in which they were declared. Rules that are equally specific (the same number of selectors usually), the rule declared later overrides or adds to rule declared first.

You could specify !important on your border style for the second rule, but it's not supported in all browsers (did I hear IE?)

Philippe Leybaert
It might be worth adding -if only for the sake of completion- that if any two rules are equally specific, the later-declared rule wins out.
David Thomas
And, to cite a source: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#cascade
David Thomas
@drthomas: done :)
Philippe Leybaert
Although, nor is :focus
actually IE does support !important... maybe not IEs down the line (namely <IE6) but WHO CARES... STOP SUPPORTING <IE6! IT MUST DIE
+1  A: 

In your first rule you're declaring the border color. In your second rule you're overriding it. You could try something like

INPUT:focus { border-color: orange!important; }