Well, here's how to do this using a cursor
use database
declare @link_table nvarchar(255)
declare @local_table nvarchar(255)
declare table_list cursor for
linkedserver.database.sys.tables tlink
left outer join sys.tables tlocal on
tlink.name = tlocal.name
open table_list
fetch next from table_list into @link_table, @local_table
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
begin try
if @local_table is not null
sp_executesql N'drop table ' + quotename(@local_table)
sp_executesql N'select * into ' + quotename(@link_table) +
' from linkedserver.database..' + quotename(@link_table)
print @link_table + ' copied.'
end try
begin catch
print 'Error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()
end catch
fetch next from table_list into @link_table, @local_table
close table_list
deallocate table_list
While cursors should generally be avoided, here you're looking to do a lot of logic behind each and every row. So, here it is. What it does is grab all of the linked tables and match any of the local tables to those, or null
if the local table doesn't exist. This places it in a cursor
, which we can use to iterate through the rowset.
The fetch next
command grabs the next row from our cursor
and then applies your logic to it (drop
it if the local table exists, then do a select * into...
You can catch errors one of two ways. I used the try...catch
block, but you can also check @@ERROR
and see if it's not equal to zero. Really, whatever you feel most comfortable with.
As a disclaimer for the anti-cursor crowd: Cursors aren't evil, they're just often used improperly.