Have you considered using a database layer like MDB2 or PDO, which can convert the types for you? MDB2 has a date type, that displays YYYY-MM-DD format but could easily be turned into m/d/y with strftime and strtotime.
An example of using MDB2:
$dsn = "mysql://user@pass/db"; (not sure about DSN format, you might have to poke the MDB2 documentation)
$connection = MDB2::connect ($dsn);
$connection->loadModule ("Extended");
$rows = $connection->getAll ("your query", array ('date', ...), $parameters, array (paramater-types), MDB2_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
if (MDB2_Driver_Common::isError ($rows)) throw new Exception ("Error!");
else { foreach ($rows as $row) { ...Do something... } }
You can find more documentation about using MDB in this way at MDB2 on InstallationWiki. Also there you'll find a list of MDB2 datatypes and what they are mapped to for display values. Also, Docs for MDB2_Extended will be a good source of info.
Edit: Obviously you'll have to use strftime and strtotime on each row separately. If you switch MDB2_FETCHMODE_OBJECT
above, you can probably use a foreach loop to run strftime and strtotime on all of the rows that need to be reformatted.