Hello everyone. I am using API that originally was written with native code and wrapped with .net interops. The API is work asynchronic way when each operation raises event when it finished. All my logic is synchronic so I want to synchronizing the operations. I doing it with EventWaitHandle. here the code
Stock stock;
private System.Threading.EventWaitHandle _signal = null;
public void Sync()
_signal = new System.Threading.EventWaitHandle(false,
MBTradingProvider.Instance.FinnishGetStoch += new
void Instance_FinnishGetStoch(object sender, EventArgs e)
stock = MBTradingProvider.Instance.CurrentWorkongStock;
if (_signal != null)
This code stuck in the _signal.WaitOne() line, the current thread is freezes and nothing to be happened. I worked the same pattern on some other async operation and I work fine. The only difference that I can think about is that under the hood works com objects, as I said the effect that I get is that the code not responding after the WaitOne line
Anyone have an idea what can be wrong?