IIUC, you want a stack trace report with line numbers, system info etc. IOW something like this:
Exception class: EVariantTypeCastError
Exception address: 004170ED
Stack list, generated 12/7/2009 11:32:19
[004170E8]{A.exe } Variants.HandleConversionException (Line 614, "sys\variants.pas" + 10)
[0057ACAC]{A.exe } cxDataStorage.TcxSmallintValueType.SetDataValue (Line 1067, "cxDataStorage.pas" + 2)
[005AC6C5]{A.exe } cxCustomData.TcxCustomDataController.SetStoredValue (Line 12752, "cxCustomData.pas" + 2)
[005A8AD3]{A.exe } cxCustomData.TcxCustomDataController.SetValue (Line 10401, "cxCustomData.pas" + 12)
[0059DA0B]{A.exe } cxCustomData.TcxCustomDataProvider.SetEditValue (Line 3180, "cxCustomData.pas" + 4)
[005A8F9B]{A.exe } cxCustomData.TcxCustomDataController.SetEditValue (Line 10560, "cxCustomData.pas" + 2)
[0066EBBE]{A.exe } cxGridCustomTableView.TcxCustomGridTableItem.SetEditValue (Line 14396, "cxGridCustomTableView.pas" + 1)
[006637C5]{A.exe } cxGridCustomTableView.TcxGridEditingController.UpdateValue (Line 7474, "cxGridCustomTableView.pas" + 4)
[00673F30]{A.exe } cxGridCustomTableView.TcxCustomGridTableView.UpdateRecord (Line 17771, "cxGridCustomTableView.pas" + 1)
[0059D97F]{A.exe } cxCustomData.TcxCustomDataProvider.PostEditingData (Line 3170, "cxCustomData.pas" + 1)
[00A80870]{A.exe } fFilterLine.TFilterLine.UMLayoutChanged (Line 1034, "fFilterLine.pas" + 0)
[00482DBF]{A.exe } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111)
[004824E8]{A.exe } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3)
[00431D84]{A.exe } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" + 8)
[0049F981]{A.exe } Forms.TApplication.MessageBox (Line 8293, "Forms.pas" + 22)
[0049FA99]{A.exe } Forms.TApplication.ShowException (Line 8312, "Forms.pas" + 3)
[00A7D7B1]{A.exe } ExceptionDlg.TfrmException.ExceptionHandler (Line 428, "..\Shared\ExceptionDlg.pas" + 2)
System : Windows XP Professional, Version: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 2"
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6700 @ 2.66GHz, 2666 MHz MMX 64 bits
Memory: 1043; free 196
Display : 1920X1200 pixels, 32 bpp
Active Controls hierarchy:
TcxCustomInnerTextEdit ""
TcxTextEdit ""
TcxGridSite ""
TcxGrid "cxgHeader"
TPanel "pnlMain"
TTabSheet "tshAccMov"
TPageControl "pcoMov"
TfrmMain "frmMain"
...well, imho, isn't worth to reinvent the wheel.
This has already been done and it's free. Download (if you haven't already) the JEDI's JVCL+JCL from SourceForge and install them. In File | New | Other | Delphi Files... you'll have a new item: 'Jcl Exception dialog for Delphi'.
And (imho) this is much more mature/advanced than you can do 'if you'll have time'. Also you can customize the generated Exception Handler to fit to your needs. There is also a support newsgroup for this. As an aside, IIRC, you need only the JCL for the dialog but I'm not sure. Also, you have also commercial options for this (madExcept, EurekaLog etc.) but these are only advanced Error Loggers while JVCL, besides that's free, will give you also over 600 components to play with.