



I want to create a batch while which finds specific lines in a batch file and are able to edit these lines.




i want to let the batch file find 'ex3' and edit this to 'ex5' to let it look like this:

+3  A: 

This is the kind of stuff sed was made for (of course, you need sed on your system for that).

sed 's/ex3/ex5/g' input.txt > output.txt

You will either need a Unix system or a Windows Cygwin kind of platform for this.
There is also GnuWin32 for sed. (GnuWin32 installation and usage).

this is too many stuff that i need. I want to set this public; so it should be done easily.
+1  A: 

on a native Windows install, you can either use batch(cmd.exe) or vbscript without the need to get external tools. here's an example in vbscript

Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile = "c:\test\file.txt"
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFile.ReadLine
    If InStr(strLine,"ex3")> 0 Then
     strLine = Replace(strLine,"ex3","ex5")
    End If 
    WScript.Echo strLine

save as myreplace.vbs and on the command line

c:\test> cscript /nologo myreplace.vbs  > newfile
c:\test> ren newfile file.txt
Thanks a lot, Helps me!

There is no search and replace function or stream editing at the command line in XP or 2k3 (dont know about vista or beyond). So, you'll need to use a script like the one Ghostdog posted, or a search and replace capable tool like sed.

There is more than one way to do it, as this script shows:

  @echo off

        rename text.file text.tmp
        for /f %%a in (text.tmp) do (
            set foo=%%a
            if !foo!==ex3 set foo=ex5
            echo !foo! >> text.file) 
    del text.tmp

An alternate script. Assume file is at C:\file.

# Script ex35.txt
# Read file in.
var str content ; cat "C:\file" > $content
# Replace "ex3" with "ex5".
sal "^ex3^" "ex5" $content > null
# Write file back.
echo $content > "C:\file"

Script is in biterscripting ( ) . To try, save the script as C:\Scripts\ex35.txt, start biterscripting, enter the following command.

script "ex35.txt"

Make sure you change C:\file to the correct file path. Enclose all file names and paths in double quotes.

i assume this is bash. i asked for BATCH, Windows.

Hello all,

Using ghostdogs example, is there a way l can pass variables from a .bat file to a VB script, or vise-verse.

Maybe using prompts in the VB or SET / P comments in a batch.

I am currently using a batch file to rename files before it calls on a number of batch files to run file merges and install services in a windows environment. Currently I am using the batch file to set the variables with SET /P questions but I would love to be able to automate the process so it can open a .ini file or .txt (easy to change it to a .txt) change common text within the file before calling on the other batch files etc.

This would allow me to use a base set of file with the batch/VB without me having to open the file and manually change it each time...can anyone help.

Don't know much about VB, but know a little about dos commands....willing to go the other way e.g. use the VB script to pass the variables to the batch file, but not sure how to do that either....

I did try the first example, however, when the file writes back it does not write the full line, it does not write anything after a space in the line, l will try the other 2 example and see if l get the same result...with most .ini files the string sometimes have spaces.