



I have a series of tables that contain data I want to full text search. I've tried combining the tables with UNION, but the result loses its fulltext index so can't be fulltext searched. I don't think that putting the data into a temp table is the way to go. Is there someway that I can fulltext search these tables efficiently? Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: my query for fulltext was
SELECT ID, Title, Description, Author, MATCH (Title,Tags,Body) AGAINST ("searchterm") AS Relevance FROM [combination of tables goes here] WHERE MATCH (Title,Tags,Body) AGAINST ("searchterm")


How are you combining the tables with UNION? That's not what you want to do anyway; the objective is to combine the SELECTs.

You should probably post the query you're using.

This is not an answer.
Eliseo Ocampos
+1  A: 

simply do:

select * from table a where a.col=myval
select * from table b where b.col=myval

indices are used as they are with a normal select.

+3  A: 

MySQL can't make a fulltext (or any) index accross multiple tables. So using a single index is out.

As an alternative, you could either:

  1. Use an index on each table, and a join/union as appropriate to retrieve the rows that match your requirements.

  2. Create an aggregate table to apply the index to.

  3. Use a tool such as lucene or solr to provide your search index. (If you are going for any sort of scale, this is likely the best option)

At least in the 5.x branch, joins that use indices seem to have the side effect that the fulltext index can't be used. Makes the queries rather inefficient. :/
Thats interesting - guess its a side effect of mysql only being able to use one index per table. Never really thought about that in the context of fulltext searching.
num one is what i was trying to do, but the indexs vanish after union, num two is what i didn't want to have to do. thanks for confirming what i was beginning to understand

With your setup being what appears to be a type of message board I assume that you have three tables (correct me if I am wrong):

  1. Message Table (Message_ID, Title, Body, Description, Author)
  2. Tag Table (Tag_ID, Name)
  3. Message Tags (Message_ID, Tag_ID)

Here is how I would do it

SELECT Message.Message_ID, Message.Title, Message.Description, Message.Author, 
    MATCH (Name)
    AGAINST (?)
      MATCH (Message.Title)
      AGAINST (?)
      MATCH (Message.Body)
      AGAINST (?)
  ) AS Relevance 
FROM Message, Tag, Message_Tag 
WHERE Message.Message_ID = Message_Tag.Message_ID AND Message_Tag.Tag_ID = Tag.Tag_ID   
  AND (
    MATCH (Name) 
    AGAINST (?)
    MATCH (Message.Title)
    AGAINST (?)
    MATCH (Message.Body)
    AGAINST (?)
Justin Giboney