




Hi Experts,

I have a column called check_num (bank check number) as VARCHAR2 type in a payment_line table(Oracle).

The requirement is "I have to search all those checks which numbers are greater than 12345.

Please suggest how can I achieve this?



I hope the following might help you -

select * from checkTable where TO_NUMBER(check_num) > 12345;


I did this but I was getting 'ORA-01722: invalid number' error and the 2nd thing is that if the check_num will be 123FD5 then how it will function?
Garhwali Bhai
Please consider CHECK_NUM as alphanumeric.
Garhwali Bhai
If that's the case then you have an unclear requirement, what does it mean to "have to search all those checks which numbers are greater than 12345" when the check number can be "123FD"? Is that hex? Should you only care about the first number part? Would stripping out all letters be appropriate? More info
Also, ORA-01722 means you tried to convert a non number containing string to a number. So that's how it will function.
Well, the CHECK_NUM could be anything but the query should return the greater values always.for example: 12013query should return 12, 013 not 013, 12
Garhwali Bhai
I missed comma in exampleits 12, 013
Garhwali Bhai
If results "12, 013" and "013, 12" are meant to be two records then they are equivalent. What are you trying to say?
+2  A: 

There most likely is a more elegant solution, but this should do the trick:

FROM payment_line pl 
WHERE LENGTH(TRIM(TRANSLATE(pl.check_num, '0123456789',' '))) IS NULL 
   AND TRIM(TRANSLATE(pl.check_num, '0123456789','0123456789')) > 12345;


If I understand your comment to Adam Paynter, for input of:


and you used 1A117 as your comparison the resulting set would be:


Can you confirm that both 02134 and 11111 should be in this result set? They dont seem to meet the requirements of > a value like 1A117. If, however, that was a typo, you can actually run a simple string comparison to get this set:

FROM payment_line pl
WHERE pl.check_num > '1A117';

edit 2

OK, I think I see where you are going with this. You are looking to get the rows in the db that have been entered after the input row. If you look at my formatted list above, you will see that your result set is everything below your input string. So, with that in mind, i submit for your approval the following:

FROM payment_line  
WHERE rowid > (select rowid from payment_line where check_num ='1A117');
TRIM(TRANSLATE(pl.check_num, '0123456789','0123456789')) > 12345How about where check_num = '6'?
David Aldridge
Can you confirm that both 02134 and 11111 should be in this result set? Ans is YES.
Garhwali Bhai
and by the way pl.check_num > '1A117'; clause doesn't work properly for VARCHAR.
Garhwali Bhai
+1  A: 

Unfortunately, Oracle does not provide a handy function such as IS_INTEGER(...), otherwise you could have done a query like:

-- Fictional, though desirable, query:
FROM  checks
WHERE IS_INTEGER(check_num) AND TO_NUMBER(check_num) > 12345

However, there is a way to emulate such a function:

-- Real, though less-than-desirable, query:
FROM  checks
WHERE TRIM(TRANSLATE(check_num, '0123456789', '          ')) IS NULL
  AND TO_NUMBER(check_num) > 12345

The TRANSLATE(check_num, '0123456789', ' ') call replaces each digit within check_num with a space. For example:

 check_num          TRANSLATE(check_num, '0123456789', '          ')
 '12345'            '     '
 'cat'              'cat'
 '123cat45'         '   cat  '

Therefore, if check_num contains only digits, then TRIM(TRANSLATE(check_num, '0123456789', ' ')) will be NULL (that is, the empty string).

Adam Paynter
Can you write a query for this scenario:0A1321A1172A12312D2402134111111234521334If I pass '1A117', the query result should be as:2A12312D2402134111111234521334
Garhwali Bhai

It's tricky to use to_number() in this requirement because forcing Oracle to apply a check that the value is safe to convert to a number before it applies the TO_NUMBER function is not so easy, and an ORA-01722 error might surface in the future.

I think that I would:

FROM payment_line pl 
WHERE LENGTH(TRIM(TRANSLATE(pl.check_num, '0123456789',' '))) IS NULL 
   AND LPAD(pl.check_num,10,'0') > TO_CHAR(12345,'fm0000000000');

You might ask for the creation of an index on LPAD(pl.check_num,10,'0') to help with this.

David Aldridge

If you're on 10g or later you can use regular expressions with an inline view.

The inner select is to get only the numeric check numbers. Then converting and using the where clause is easy. Something like

select * from ( select * from payment_line where regexp_like (check_num,'^[0-9]*$') ) where to_number (check_num) > 12345;

Of course, this only works if you want all numeric check numbers greater than 12345. If you want "numbers" like 1A123 included as well, that's a different story.

Jim Hudson