




On a new project I work on I have data in CSV format to import into a mysql table. One of the columns is a price field which stores currency in the european format ie. 345,83. The isssue I have is storing this decimal seperator. In most European currencies the decimal seperator is "," but when I try to insert a decimal number into a field (ex. 345,83), I get the following error: "Data truncated for column 'column_name' at row 'row #'". If I use '.' instead of ',' it works fine. Could you please help me with, how to store this format in mysql?

+1  A: 

You could import the currency field into a VARCHAR column and then copy this column into a DECIMAL column while replacing the , by a . in all rows using MySQL string-manipulation-functions.

UPDATE <<table>>
    SET <<decimal-currency-col>> = REPLACE(<<varchar-currency-col>>, ',', '.');
Stefan Gehrig
@S. Gehrig: Correct, but a bit overkill considering the OP is using PHP.
Michiel Buddingh'
That depends: if the OP has to some calculations (some accumulations for example) on the MySQL side, he has to store the values in an appropriate data type.
Stefan Gehrig
Try replacing the "," with "."?

$price = str_replace(",", ".", $price);
You mean replace with a dot, right?
@Thilo. Yes I think it should be a dot in this case as it appears to be the decimal separator.In the UK we use a comma as the thousands separator and a dot for the decimal e.g. 1,250.25However the French and other European countries use them the otherway round e.g. 1.250,00.

Some data types do not have a direct correlation between SQL Server or Access and MySQL. One example would be the CURRENCY data type: MySQL does not (yet) have a CURRENCY data type, but creating a column with the definition DECIMAL(19,4) serves the same purpose. While MSSQL defaults to Unicode character types such as nCHAR and nVARCHAR, MySQL does not so tightly bind character sets to field types, instead allowing for one set of character types which can be bound to any number of character sets, including Unicode.

from http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/migrating-from-microsoft.html

+4  A: 

Use number_format or money_format, it's pretty much what you preffer.

please be aware that money_format() is undefined on windows systems
Philippe Gerber
+11  A: 

you can store it as a regular decimal field in the database, and format the number european style when you display it

edit: just added an example of how it might be achieved

$european_numbers = array('123.345,78', '123 456,78', ',78');

foreach($european_numbers as $number) {

    echo "$number was converted to ".convert_european_to_decimal($number)."\n";
    // save in database now

function convert_european_to_decimal($number) {
    // i am sure there are better was of doing this, but this is nice and simple example
    $number = str_replace('.', '', $number); // remove fullstop
    $number = str_replace(' ', '', $number); // remove spaces
    $number = str_replace(',', '.', $number); // change comma to fullstop

    return $number;
As I understood the OP that's exactly what he tries to do but fails due to the fact that MySQL uses the dot as the decimal separator. You cannot store values with a comma in a DECIMAL column.
Stefan Gehrig

You could also consider multiplying it by 100 and storing it as INT.

Before inserting the price to the DB:

$price = (int)$price*100;

After receiving price from the DB:

$price = number_format($price, 2, ',', ' ');
+3  A: 

It's worse than you think. The number 1234.56 may be written in Europe as:

  1. 1234,56
  2. 1 234,56 (space as a group separator)
  3. 1.234,56 (dot as a group separator)

In .net the number parser can works according to a given culture, so if you know the format it does the hard work for you. I'm sure you can find a PHP equivalent, it'd save you a lot of trouble.
