I have an XSLT script that I use for code generation where I process multiple input XML files, and output the files to Javascript code. For each xml input file, I output one Javascript file.
So, I would have the following files/transformations occuring:
view1.xml -> view1.js
view2.xml -> view2.js
Now I have a requirement to also create a one additional file during the XSL processing where I will need to append information regarding each input file processed to a common Javascript file.
So, now I would have:
view1.xml -> view1.js / append to common.js
view2.xml -> view2.js / append to common.js
My question is, is it possible to append to a file during the processing of multiple input files? I am currently using Saxon, and I looked at the xsl:result-document element, but this appears to overwrite any previously written content.