While I was thinking about this Mark already answered, but I came up with the following:
$$("#productNav li a").observe('click', function(event){
$$("#productNav li a").invoke('removeClassName', 'selectedProd'));
$$("#productListCntnr > ul").invoke('SlideUp',{ duration: 3.0 });
Event.element(event).invoke('addClassName', 'selectedProd'));
$$("#productListCntnr > ul#"+Event.element(event).id).invoke('SlideDown',{ duration: 3.0 });
The SlideUp and SlideDown methods come from Scriptaculous, not sure if they're directly compatible with the jQuery effect. I also assumed you meant ul#
in that last line since you're selecting by ID, in which case, since ID is unique anyway, you could probably do it like this:
Effect.SlideDown(Event.element(event).id, { duration: 3.0 });
Following Mark's comment I've had a go with the above code in an actual browser, here is a working version:
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
$$("#productNav li a").invoke('observe', 'click', function(event){
$$("#productNav li a.selectedProd").invoke('removeClassName', 'selectedProd');
Effect.Pulsate(Event.element(event).id, { pulses: 5, duration: 3.0 });
I wasn't sure what SlideUp was supposed to be doing, so I took it out, I assume it's not operating on the same list elements as the ones in productNav? SlideDown didn't seem to do anything either, probably because SlideUp was gone, so I swapped it for Pulsate just to confirm it was working. I had to use the alternate syntax I mentioned above as the original didn't work at all (got an error like invoke method doesn't exist on element).
I'm guessing the original code is intended to SlideUp and SlideDown a content area separate from the menu items? In which case this code would have to change, but your original html would also be invalid as it would imply the list items in the menu and the list items in the content area have the same ids. For reference, this is what my HTML looks like:
<ul id="productNav">
<li><a id="p1" href="#">Product 1</a></li>
<li><a id="p2" href="#">Product 2</a></li>
<li><a id="p3" href="#">Product 3</a></li>
<li><a id="p4" href="#">Product 4</a></li>
<li><a id="p5" href="#">Product 5</a></li>
<li><a id="p6" href="#">Product 6</a></li>