How to enable inno-db support on installed instance of MySql?
I have installed mysql-5.0.67-win32. 'InnoDB' is 'DISABLED' when executing 'show engines'. According to documentation MySql is compiled with support of inno-db (From doc: A value of DISABLED occurs either because the server was started with an option that disables the engine, or because not all options required to enable it were given.)
In my.ini I commented line with 'skip-innodb'. This didn't help. All other inno-db related variables remain unchanged.
I have performed some unusual action before I experienced described situation. I have mysql-4.0.17-win installed. I uninstall it and after this installed mysql-5.0.67-win32. In installation wizard I chose MyISAM support only (as far as I understand I disabled inno-db support in such way. When I tried to reinstall with support of inno-db I had problems of using my previous database 'mysql' with account information).
MySQL documentation says that I should use mysqldump to export data and after this to import exported data in process of upgrade. I tried to do so, but when importing data I obtained message about syntax error (I think that it is connected with some incompatibilities of 4-th and 5-th version of mysql)