Couple of ways to deal with this issue:
Following the clue given about using version #s, if that presents difficulties for you in your build environment it is also just as effective to put a URL parameter at the end of your URL. The browser clients will treat each URL with a different version parameter as URL no in their cache and will download the file again. The servers won't care that the parameter is there, for static content
So, for example, can be included in your HTML as It might be easier for you to pass version #s into your serverside scripts and append them onto your clientside include URLs.
The second method I've seen work well is to use a controller serverside to deliver your code. Facebook makes use of this. You will see includes in script tags that end in ".php" all the time.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Their backend determines what JS needs to be sent to the client based on the environment that was sent up in the request.