I have a method that performs a simplistic 'grep' across files, using an enumerable of "search strings". (Effectively, I'm doing a very naive "Find All References")
IEnumerable<string> searchStrings = GetSearchStrings();
IEnumerable<string> filesToLookIn = GetFiles();
MultiMap<string, string> references = new MultiMap<string, string>();
foreach( string fileName in filesToLookIn )
foreach( string line in File.ReadAllLines( fileName ) )
foreach( string searchString in searchStrings )
if( line.Contains( searchString ) )
references.AddIfNew( searchString, fileName );
Note: MultiMap<TKey,TValue>
is roughly the same as Dictionary<TKey,List<TValue>>
, just avoiding the NullReferenceExceptions you'd normally encounter.
I have been trying to put this into a more "functional" style, using chained LINQ extension methods but haven't figured it out.
One dead-end attempt:
// I get lost on how to do a loop within a loop here...
// plus, I lose track of the file name
var lines = filesToLookIn.Select( f => File.ReadAllLines( f ) ).Where( // ???
And another (hopefully preserving the file name this time):
var filesWithLines =
.Select(f => new { FileName = f, Lines = File.ReadAllLines(f) });
var matchingSearchStrings =
.Where(ss => filesWithLines.Any(
fwl => fwl.Lines.Any(l => l.Contains(ss))));
But I still seem to lose the information I need.
Maybe I'm just approaching this from the wrong angle? From a performance standpoint, the loops ought to perform in roughly the same order as the original example.
Any ideas of how to do this in a more compact functional representation?