




I have a wizard control on a page which has numerous steps with a button to save the options entered on the wizard. When this save button is clicked I'm adding the ActiveStepIndex to sessionstate, then skipping the wizard to the penultimate page (which has StepType="Complete") to show a message saying that the data has been saved. On this penultimate page, there is a "Continue" button to take you back to the previous page (which just gets the ActiveStepIndex out of sessionstate and sets the ActiveStepIndex of the wizard accordingly).

This all seems to work as expected in my development environment, but not in the system test environment. Here clicking the "Continue" button always causes the wizard to return to the first step and it clears all the textbox values. By turning tracing on I can see that session state is being maintained.

Are there any quirks with the wizard control or is there any problem with using a WizardStep with StepType="Complete" in this way?