




The question says it all really, I'm looking for book recommendations, video tutorials etc. I've been programming since I was about six so I don't need a book that spends 4 pages on for loops (thought that might be a Bad example in terms of javascript).

Also I'm learning ASP.net at the moment so anything on interoperability features/issues would be welcome, though I'm guessing I just showed my ignorance with that question.

+1  A: 

Go to Coding Horror nice blog from Jeff.

Jedi Master Spooky
+2  A: 

Look at the source code of jQuery or some other framework. Javascript is a very powerful language if you know how to use it properly, and learning from others is the way to go.

Jon Works
+5  A: 

While some of the material might be elementary for you, Jeremy Keith's DOM Scripting is a fantastic Javascript book. Jeremy also wrote Bulletproof Ajax. While I've not read that one, I've heard good things, and I suspect that those good things are correct, given DOM Scripting.

Brian Warshaw

I recommend Danny Goodman's book JavaScript Bible. I have the 4th edition, though a think the 5th is the current one. It's very comprehensive, and most chapters have exercises at the end. It's been a very useful resource.

Chris Tybur

@ Jedi Master Spooky

That's one book and some frameworks, I wondered if anyone knew of anything else, as secrets of the javascript ninjas sounds like one of those books you only appreciate AFTER you've got experience with it

+4  A: 

You must visit: www.quirksmode.org

You must read: ppk on JavaScript, Pro Javascript Techniques, JavaScript:The Definitive Guide

+5  A: 

If you already know how to code, you will not need much to write some JavaScript. Just some study of existing code and of course, lots of practice.

For me, interesting topics were:

  • browser API, as always, learning the API is harder than learning the language, I suggest Mozilla Developer Center as a reference for DOM manipulation and JavaScript internal objects ;
  • how to use that API best, study some frameworks like jQuery and learn how they deal with browser inconsistencies ;
  • functional programming, lambdas and closures are smart and fun and allow a really new way of programming (jQuery uses them heavily).
Vincent Robert

JavaScript Bible is indeed in it's 5th Edition. In addition, JavaScript: The Complete Reference is a good book. Although they are references, I used them to learn the language.

Thomas Owens
+41  A: 

Beyond question, the best resources are the videos from Douglas Crockford of Yahoo:


Also, his book - JavaScript: The Good Parts

The more you know, the more you will get from these. These are not beginner introductions though even beginners will learn something.

Crockford is inspirational and extraordinarily rewarding to watch and listen to.

"Crockford is inspirational and extraordinarily rewarding to watch and listen to." Absolutely.
Ya he aight, I guess

I'd start with the JavaScript tutorial at w3schools. When looking something up in Google, I often tack "w3schools" onto the search string for a quick overview.

+1  A: 
  • W3schools have some good tutorials and references -- great for beginners, but I still find myself returning there from time to time.
  • DevGuru is a good reference site for core JavaScript functions etc.
  • Once you're familiar with the basics, I heartily recommend John Resig's book Pro JavaScript Techniques for the more advanced stuff.
+2  A: 

I'd go for Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts, it's short, concise, only talks about what matters, and focuses on how to get things done instead of showing you every single feature of the language -- actually, as the title suggests, he only shows you the good parts.

+6  A: 

For JS-the-language, A re-introduction to JavaScript is a good article. It doesn't spend too much time explaining the for-loops, but it does cover the interesting features of the language.

There's also the reference and the guide on JS on the Mozilla Developer Center.

If you're really looking about information on learning how to do X in the browser, you need to learn DOM apart from JavaScript-the-language itself.

+2  A: 

There is a new startup called AppJet that sets out to teach people how to program.


+2  A: 

I second the recommendation of Douglas Crockfords videos. I haven't read his book, but judging from the quality of his other writings on javascript, I would assume that it is worth reading.

I personally found Javascript: The Definitive Guide to be of great help while I was learning my way around javascript.

+2  A: 

Before reading any other books, I only recommend Javascript: The Definitive Guide. It's actually been the only book recommended by a number of experts. It's extremely thorough, covers all the nuances of the language, and is very up to date on HTTP scripting/AJAX.

Chris Tek
If you're referring to the experts on comp.lang.javascript, then they barely agree on that and are constantly discussing whether any books should be recommended at all. The consensus there seems to be that while Flanagan's book is flawed, it is the least bad one around.
Tim Down
+1  A: 

Douglas Crockford on video again in a great google talk February 27, 2009,


If you want to learn little bit more than the typical 'HOW TO DO' samples and Javascript reference material available on web, you should really check out Javascript articles by Douglas Crockford..

+32  A: 

To expand on Flubba's answer, these are Douglas Crockford's Yahoo JavaScript videos in order. (I couldn't find a list of these in order anywhere, so I thought this might help a few people out...)

They really are very good at teaching the basics, especially if you have some programming background. He does a great job of making you not hate the language.

The JavaScript Programming Language

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/1 of 4

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/2 of 4

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/3 of 4

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/4 of 4

An Inconvenient API: The Theory of the DOM

Douglas Crockford: "Theory of the DOM" (1 of 3)

Douglas Crockford: "Theory of the DOM" (2 of 3)

Douglas Crockford: "Theory of the DOM" (3 of 3)

Advanced JavaScript

Douglas Crockford: "Advanced JavaScript" (1 of 3)

Douglas Crockford: "Advanced JavaScript" (2 of 3)

Douglas Crockford: "Advanced JavaScript" (3 of 3)

Here are some new videos, which go over a lot of the same material as those above, but with some talk about about the new ES5, and a nice computer science history lesson, leading up to the invention of JavaScript. I highly recommend these videos - they're very informative and entertaining, and the production quality is much higher that the previous three series.

Crockford on JavaScript

Volume One: The Early Years

Chapter 2: And Then There Was JavaScript

Act III: Function the Ultimate

Episode IV: The Metamorphosis of Ajax

Part V: The End of All Things

+1 for compiling this comprehensive list.
Zsolt Török
@vorushin: Thanks for the nice write-up of my blog-post :)
+1  A: 

I highly recommend the free, online book Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke.
