How can I set the default font size and the background color in TinyMCE?
Thanks, Eden
How can I set the default font size and the background color in TinyMCE?
Thanks, Eden
So basicly you would copy the themes/advanced/editor_ui.css to your own location, edit the colors and it should be ok.
.mceEditorArea {
font-family: "MS Sans Serif";
background: #FFFFFF;
font_size_style_values : "xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large"
anyway, google is your friend
You can change the css using Javascript also.
Add this to your init function:
oninit : "postInitWork",
function postInitWork() {
var dom = tinymce.activeEditor.dom;
var pElements = dom.select('p'); // Default scope is the editor document.
dom.setStyle(pElements, 'color', 'red');
Hi there,
Have you tried the content_css option? That's mentioned in the TinyMCE FAQ here: http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:FAQ#Change_default_text_color.2Feditor_background_in_TinyMCE.3F
You can specify a CSS file for your editor with this, allowing you to set things like font and background colour.
Hope this helps; thanks Sam
(I realise that this is a very old post, just adding this for the benefit of anyone else reading since)