You can change the culture in the web.config file or at the page level. If you only want to change the date format and not the other aspects of the culture, though, that may require that you modify the current culture's DateTimeFormat via code in global.asax or a common base controller and set it to the DateTimeFormat for "en-GB".
To set the UI culture and culture for
all pages, add a globalization section
to the Web.config file, and then set
the uiculture and culture attributes,
as shown in the following example:
<globalization uiCulture="en"
culture="en-GB" />
To set the UI culture and culture for
an individual page, set the Culture
and UICulture attributes of the @ Page
directive, as shown in the following
<%@ Page UICulture="en"
Culture="en-GB" %>
To have ASP.NET set the UI culture and
culture to the first language that is
specified in the current browser
settings, set UICulture and Culture to
auto. Alternatively, you can set this
value to auto:culture_info_name, where
culture_info_name is a culture name.
For a list of culture names, see
CultureInfo. You can make this setting
either in the @ Page directive or
Web.config file.
= CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat
= new CultureInfo( "en-GB", false ).DateTimeFormat;