What the hell does this mean? Ignore the return, and the get, The results will be flattened and stuck in the application mem (so this will be a set... probably)
"Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type 'System.Linq.IQueryable'. 'Join' not found. Consider explicitly specifying the type of the range variable 'a'."
private CommonDataResponse toCommonData
CommonDataResponse toCommonData = this.gatewayReference.GetCommonData();
Array dCountries = toCommonData.PropertyCountries.ToArray(); //Webservice sends KeyValuePairOfString
Array dRegions = toCommonData.Regions; //Webservice sends Array
Array dAreas = toCommonData.Areas; //Webservice sends Array
var commonRAR = from a in dAreas
join r in dRegions
on a.RegionID equals r.Id
join c in dCountries
on r.CountryCode equals c.Key
select new {c.Value, r.Name, a.Name, a.Id };
return toCommonData;
dRegions/dAreas Both arrays, dCountries is .toArray()