



I was recently tasked to,

"Test every scenario you can think of and try to break the component"

What might be sensible in 'everything' when the application is a website?

NOTE: This particular site is ASP.NET with MS-SQL, however, I would like to know what would be covered in general as well. Thank you all for the great responses!

+21  A: 
  • Every browser
  • Every operating system
  • A variety of screen resolutions
  • Javascript on/off
  • Images on/off
  • CSS on/off
  • Cookies enabled/disabled
  • Messing about with URLs
  • All sorts of input variations, especially testing for XSS attacks, non-ASCII characters, invalid input
  • Keyboard accessibility
  • Server related issues - e.g. does the application work OK after a software/hardware restart?
  • Opening the site in more than one tab/window is a good way of testing any strange session-related issues
Bobby Jack
Thank you. An extensive, (and exhausting!), list.
I'm still going ... ;)
Bobby Jack
Performance/load/stress/capacity tests as well? Sensible?
Don't forget: Back button navigating, random jumping around in the application, SQL Injection testing, mildly "odd" data (like names with Apostrophes - O'Reilly, for example), Cross Site Scripting testing (oh you mentioned XSS), heavy-load testing, testing around various predictably odd scenarios (like testing at midnight, if there are date calculations)...A better way to look at testing is to try to ask yourself where the frail parts and corner cases are. List those, and test for them.
+3  A: 

One definition: such that every code branch is tested. [100% coverage] Of course this has meaning only for non-static web-sites.

+3  A: 

I'd start with a smoke-test - a broad test that checks the most basic functions. Then list out the most important features in order of importance, and create tests for those in that order. If the site is any size at all and regularly updated, you'll want to automate these tests using something like selenium.


In addition to Bobby Jack's list, I'd suggest protecting your website from most-stupid-user and hacker-user scenarios -- this would mean, among other things, protecting your URLs and QueryString properly.

+3  A: 

Some of it depends on the context. Here's a few of the less obvious:

What is the "flow" of the site? Is there an order a user should access things?

  • Try going out of order
  • Try skipping steps
  • Leaving and coming back

Are there forms involved?

  • Try XSS
  • Try SQL injection

Are cookies involved?

www presence/absence is a classic I forgot about!
Bobby Jack
Thank you for the www item in particular! (I am including ssl presence/absence as well)
+3  A: 

Don't forget the "bonehead" tests.

Open a page, click the submit button. Did the form properly handle absolutely nothing being submitted?

Put the cursor in a textbox field. Pound on the keys a few time (blasted cat on my keyboard, blasted coffee spill shorting things out). Did the input validation work with "non-standard" data?

Submit a form/request. Hit the back button. Is the form resubmitting itself? Should it be? Is it displaying the proper data when coming back?

You'd be surprised how many times I got burned in the past by the "bonehead" situations.

+1  A: 

for CYA purposes - go with Bobby Jack's answer

  • varied screen resolutions
I'll add to the list (I was concerned I was getting a bit TOO display focused, and wanted to add more items relating to functionality, but I might as well go for completeness :)
Bobby Jack
with web development I think it is good to be a "bit TOO display focused"

There are so many test types that can be performed given a piece of software that the list is endless and covered by multiple different types, there is no single answer that is suffice.

Functional testing, integration testing, performance testing, penetration testing, regression tests, compatability testing for browsers, stress testing - list goes on.

And that is before you drill down into each one and start talking specifics like css / xss attacks, etc


for websites, most of the common breaks you would think about during development some of the bigs ones are: preventing mysql injection preventing unauthorized access (non member getting into a member section) if at any time you have form submission, consider what would happen if the user altered the get or even the post data

those are all i can think of at the moment, all of these you wouldn't really "try to break" the site, you just throw some catches into your code.

+5  A: 
With stress testing, would you include load/performance testing?
yes... especially that!
s/gibberish/characters outside Latin1, such as Cyrillic and Chinese/
Michael Borgwardt
+2  A: 

In addition to Bobby Jack's list, and NomeN, and pretty much everyone else ... I don't see this mentioned specifically; apologies if it is. You didn't mention what type of site this is, but depending on the problem domain, specifically malformed data can cause headaches. For example: in an e-commerce site, what if someone tries to order negative quantities? Lots of things can be broken by "backwards" (for lack of a better word) input.

Good point. (ASP.NET)
Indeed, we have probably all seen some people/users do some very unexpected it's probably best to always remember to expect the unexpected regarding input.
+1  A: 
  • Forget what you know about the system, attempt to look at it as if it was the first time.
  • Question everything.
  • Try different browsers, devices, resolutions.
  • Try to print without a printer installed.
  • Try to use the website without touching the mouse.
  • Try to use the website without touching the keyboard.
  • Get screenshots of the GUI and turn grey scale. Can you still read the text?
+2  A: 

Also do not forget validation tools. The World Wide Web Consortium, the standards body for the web, offers a plethora of tools as do other fine organizations. Here are a few good online tools to:

  • Validate the HTML (e.g. the W3C HTML validator).
  • Validate the CSS (e.g. the W3C CSS validator.
  • Check links (e.g. W3C link checker).
  • Check accessibility (e.g. Wave).
  • Check page load speed (e.g. Google's Page Speed).
  • Check how pages look when printed (this is rarely checked but sometimes you can find artifacts that detract from a professional look).
  • Checking all browsers was mentioned before, but what was not mentioned was that there are tools available to quickly give you multiple browser views to bring the impractical into the realm of practical; consider these Browser Testing Tools.
  • Check usability; somewhat an amorphous goal it is often beyond the duties or budget of a technical tester. I recently came across that offers real user feedback both cheaply and quickly.
  • Proofread! Typos are the quickest way to say your website is silly.

Finally, here is one person's take on a reasonable checklist and here is a site with the grandiose claim of an online everything checker.


Actually,it is better to start with very common cases. Get a good set of typical use cases, and make sure that those are all tested thoroughly. Then, start branching out to slightly less common cases.

Testing is always a combinatorial situation, so you can't possibly test every scenario. Consider 10 browsers x 10 types of users x 10 methods x 10 OS x 10 forms = 100,000 test scenarios.

There are probably quadrillions of scenarios for any reasonably sized application.

Thus, you need to start with the most common scenarios, and then work your way from there. You also need to think about orthogonality of tests. Brute force "test all scenarios" just doesn't work.

Larry Watanabe

It would be impractical to "test for every scenario you can think of." Why is this so? Using just 14 of the suggestions here, mostly from Bobby Jack's excellent answer, you would wind up with 2,654,208 possible tests. Realistically, you wouldn't or couldn't test for every one of those. So what should you do?

This is a great example of where pairwise (or other, more advanced combination testing methods) would be extremely useful. Just 38 tests would cover not only every parameter value at least once but it would include at least one test case that covered each pair of the parameter values interacting with one another. (e.g., Browser = "Opera" and CSS = "on" will be tested for, and Simulate Dropped Connectivity? = "Y", and Cookies Enabled = "N" will be tested for, etc.) A couple screen shots from Hexawise, a new (currently free) test design tool, can make this point better than I can in words:

This first image shows each of the 14 parameters with up to 6 values per parameter

 Image 1 -

This second image shows: (A) the inputs create 2,654,208 possible test cases / scenarios, and (B) just 38 test cases will test for every single possible pair of parameter values in at least one test case. (e.g., Browser = "Opera" and CSS = "on" will be tested for, and Simulate Dropped Connectivity? = "Y", and Cookies Enabled = "N" will be tested for, etc.)

 Image 2 -

Additional information on this method of maximizing coverage in as few test cases as possible can be found at, particularly at

  • Justin

Justin Hunter - Founder and CEO of Hexawise - More coverage. Fewer tests.
