After enough playing with asynchronous socket programming I noticed that the server was receiving chunked payloads (ie: more than one complete payload sitting in the same buffer). So I came up with the following:
if (bytes_to_read > 0)
while (bytes_to_read > 0)
// Get payload size as int.
// Get payload in byte format.
// Do something with payload.
// Decrease the amount of bytes to read.
// Wait for more data.
And then I noticed packet fragmentation (ie: what I thought were complete payloads chunked together wasn't always so) which changed the previous code to something like:
if (bytes_to_read > 0)
while (bytes_to_read > 0)
// Get payload size as int.
// Check if the payload size is less than or equal to the amount of bytes left to read.
if (payload_size <= bytes_to_read)
// Get payload in byte format.
// Do something with payload.
// Decrease the amount of bytes to read.
// We received a fragmented payload.
if (bytes_to_read == 0)
// Wait for more data.
else if (bytes_to_read > 0)
// Wait for more data where we left off. ***
// Something awful happened.
*** I don't even know how to go about this and would like to see code for it. I had an idea that it involved copying the in-completed payload to the beginning of the buffer and then picking up from there.
The pseudo code I included is based on the Begin* End* method I am using (I'm aware that I should be using the *Async set of methods found here -> <- but I think my overall question still applies).
I am seeking the answers to 2 questions--namely:
- Is this approach correct or am I missing something?
- What does a working example of dealing with packet fragmentation in C# look like?
EDIT: I'm using raw sockets.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
EDIT: John Saunders and Greg Hewgill have brought up the point of treating data as a stream but that does not provide me with a concrete example of how to deal with the last chunked payload sometimes being fragmented.
EDIT: I have read Jon Skeet's answer here which is basically along the same lines as the other answers I have seen but it doesn't help me much as I already get what I have to do but not how to do it.
EDIT: To elaborate on what I mean by fragmentation, consider the following the receive buffers:
- 224TEST3foo3bar
- 224TEST3foo3bar224TEST3foo3bar
- 224TEST3foo3bar224TEST3foo
- 3bar224TEST3foo3bar
EDIT: I found this and this which lead me here. Vadym Stetsiak has cleared nearly everything up (his was one of the answers I was looking for).